Financial Planning

From retirement to education to legacy planning and beyond, Dalewood Wealth Management has you covered. Your plan is not just a snapshot projecting investment growth—it is an all-encompassing, living, breathing financial road map.

  • The first meeting will be less about numbers and more about YOU. What are your goals? What keeps you up at night? How do you envision life in five years—ten years—twenty?

  • From there, let us do the hard work to develop your plan. You will be provided with a secure portal to upload financial documents. We will keep you apprised of information I need and where you can find it. Don’t know where to find your Social Security statement? We’ll show you where to find it. Not sure how to track down that old 401(k)? We’ll figure it out as a team.

  • When the first version of your plan is done, we will review it together. Although we strive to get it right the first time, more often than not refining a comprehensive financial plan is an iterative process. We will make sure it is accurate and covers all the hypothetical scenarios you want plotted out.

  • Once it is complete, you will be able to access the plan online, update personal information, and tweak parameters to run your own hypothetical scenarios. Hard copies of the plan will be available upon request.

  • Retirement

    Whether 20 years away from retirement or 20 years into retirement, DWM will make sure you are on track and bound for your best retired life. This includes reviewing:

    -Legacy planning

    -Social Security optimization

    -Investment selection

    -Sustainable cash flows

    -Gifting and charitable giving

  • The Present

    Historically, financial planning has strongly emphasized retirement planning--but what about “the now”? Retirement is one phase of life, but what about making sure I'm living my best when you're, say, 30 years away from retirement? For this, DWM will evaluate and discuss the following:

    -Current income vs. expenses

    -Debt reduction strategies

    -Saving strategies

    -Emotional and cognitive undermining of good financial habits

  • Education

    Planning for a child's post-secondary education often falls to the doldrums of "I'll get to it next year." It doesn’t help that the financial tools for education are sometimes more convoluted than they should be.

    DWM’s planning process can help you navigate:

    -529s and Coverdell Savings Account

    -Lending and scholarship programs

    -Available Tax Credits

  • Tax

    The standard planning process will include analysis of current and future tax considerations. DWM will make sure that you are taking advantage of the appropriate credits and deductions.

    Limited tax filing services will be available. Please see the tax services page for details.